Michael Jackson: The Sad Legacy of Child Abuse

27 06 2009

No doubt the music was superb, the dancing mesmerizing, the videos innovativeMichael_Jackson_1984, the costumes eye-popping, the energy unbelievable. After his death this week, Michael Jackson, the proclaimed King of Pop, leaves a legacy of 13 Grammy awards, 13 number one singles, the best selling record of all time (Thriller), 750 million records sold, and many other accolades and awards. He also leaves behind three children, $500 million in debt, a tangled legal mess, and the sad legacy of child abuse.

Michael Jackson was an abused child and he was (allegedly) an abuser. It’s easy to forget all this because we are so stunned at the death so young of someone who has made such an impact on music. We must remember, though, that his life story is a cautionary tale.

When Michael was a child, his father Joseph did things like:

  • Held Michael upside down with one leg and “pummeled him over and over again with his hand, hitting him on his back and buttocks,” per brother Marlon.
  • Sat in a chair with a belt in his hand while the Jackson brothers rehearsed and that “if you didn’t do it the right way, he would tear you up, really get you,” per Michael.
  • Tripped and pushed the boys into walls and called them names.

[NOTE 6/30: The Wall Street Journal reports that it appears that Michael’s father Joseph was cut out of what is purported to be his latest will, written in 2002.]

The abuse took a toll. Michael often cried from loneliness and even vomited upon seeing the father he so feared. He went from an adorable and impossibly talented little boy to a bizarre-looking and irrevocably scarred middle-aged man. And still lonely. Very lonely.

Perhaps to ease his loneliness and to try and create the childhood he never had, he often invited children over to his fairytale and theme park-like Neverland Ranch. He admitted to the stunned British journalist Martin Bashir, in a 2003 documentary entitled Living with Michael Jackson, that he often had children sleep in his bed.

Just this sort of thing is what got Michael in trouble in 1993 and 2005 when both times he was accused of sexual abuse of a child. In 1993 he suffered deteriorated health from being addicted to three painkillers as a result of the stress he felt from dealing with the accusations and settled out of court. In 2005 the boy who was seen holding hands with Michael and discussing sleeping arrangements with him in the documentary accused him of sexual abuse. The People v. Jackson trial ended with Michael being found not guilty, but left a shroud of suspicion around him that never ended. Mental health professional Dr. Stan Katz, who evaluated Michael and the accuser for the trial, declared Michael a “regressed 10-year-old” and not a pedophile.

Perhaps that’s so. Perhaps Michael was 10 in his thoughts and actions and doing the normal exploratory stuff that 10-year-olds do. Maybe he was innocent and taken advantage of by greedy fortune-seekers. At the very least, Michael was naively inappropriate to allow children in his bed. He was an adult and a public figure. He should have known better.

But this is what severe child abuse does. It can delay or thwart emotional development and contribute to a 50-year-old man regressing to being 10 years old. It can lead to life-long problems.

Michael Jackson is both a talented and tragic figure. It leaves us wondering if he would’ve been less troubled and if he would have left a less sullied legacy if he had been treated with kindness and love as a child and not ridicule, threats, and harm.

This brings to my mind the 1954 poem by Dorothy Law Nolte that has hung in my home since my now-grown children were small. I looked at that poem several times a day and tried to live by its tenets as I raised my daughters. Here is the poem, entitled “Children Learn What They Live”:

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.

If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.

If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.

If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.

If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.

If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.

If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.

Thanks for the music, Michael. Like so many creative giants, your flame extinguished way too soon. The torture you felt in life is now silenced, but the music lives on. Here’s one of my favorites of his. Enjoy.



55 responses

28 06 2009
Michael Jackson: The Sad Legacy of Child Abuse | Health, Wellness & Good Life

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28 06 2009
michael jackson

i dont think the child abuse will live on in memory the music will live on in memory

28 06 2009

Let’s not forget he was never convicted… are we not considered innocent until proven guilty anymore?

28 06 2009

You put into words so eloquently what I could not. Thank you. I wasn’t even a big fan of his, but he did touch many lives with his style of music. I pray he is at peace now.

29 06 2009

I’m one of four adult children who were abused… I’m the same age as M.J. and the only living sibling… abuse even what many would consider *mild* kills a spirit when it hasn’t reached an age of understanding, forever stunted… and we live making sure no one sees are defects, because when they do they turn way, and it is lonely.

29 06 2009

Let’s see now” You, as a father, BEAT your child so he can perfom for $; the mother stands by and permits this. Now you both rush for custody of the children (read money)….and no oneini society says a damn thing? Anthony

30 06 2009
Marilyn K

Is Joe Jackson gonna try and turn Michael’s children into stars too now by beating them into it…?

30 06 2009
Michael Jackson : the Sad Legacy of Child Abuse « it Dawned on Me

[…] After his death this week, Michael Jackson , the proclaimed King of Pop, leaves a legacy of 13 Grammy awards, 13 number one singles, the best selling record of all time (Thriller), 750 million records sold, and many other accolades and …More […]

30 06 2009

I agree with the previous poster that Joe Jackson never be allowed near Michael’s children…. if he (Joe Jackson) had any integrity at all, he would quietly disappear into the woodwork… instead, it’s like he sees this as an opportunity to gain center stage for himself. What an ugly human being he is…..

Michael, may you rest in peace.

30 06 2009

I, too, was surprised that Mrs. Jackson didn’t intercede during Joe Jackson’s alleged acts of abuse. But I understand that she is a tiny woman, and during the time period that covered MJ’s childhood, domestic violence and child abuse were not as much in the public consciousness. She may have been in fear of her own safety, as well — police at that time were perhaps not as likely as they are today to answer a 911 call for spousal or child abuse and arrest an abuser on the spot. Woman were not as protected from repercussions from reporting abuse as they are today. I do not fear Joe’s harming MJ’s children, though. I understand he lives in Las Vegas, and anyway, not only is the world watching and would not tolerate it, but his other sons are big enough to physically stop him from harming the children. Further, I believe Mrs. Jackson has enough credibility to be immediately believed in the event she were to report any abuse of her grandchildren by Joe. Authorities would crack down on anyone hurting those children, and she has also has the financial resources to protect them.

30 06 2009

Trough everything he has been through we cannot deny that he was a very loving and caring man. He gave money to so many charities and deeply cared about his kids. People insisted on scrutinizing him, which seemed to make him just so weak. He seemed to be very shy. I think that at this time we just need to view him as the extremely loving man who never gave up his youth and childlike spirit. I hope that he sees that people realize this now. I hope that he is happy.

30 06 2009

The world was recently saddened by the sudden loss of pop icon Michael Jackson. In memoriam of this legendary and one-of-a-kind performer, Ztarlet Star Registry has dedicated an actual star in his memory – as a symbol of the bright light that Jackson brought to the music industry and his millions of loyal fans across the globe.


Digg this!

2 07 2009
3 07 2009

Jackson clan must know Michale is not the biological father and that makes Catherine & Joe not the true biological grandparents. If as reported, Jackson signed on the birth certificates of the two first born to Debbie Rowe — there is foul play afoot and one could surmise it’s perilessly close to fraud. When money surrounds a death, vulchers hover. Jackson story is going to have many acts to come! Would hope a neutral party, preferably a guardian-ad-litum, would be appointed by court to look out for the best interest of the children. Ask many questions of those children who were raised in almost a sterile, cult-like & isolated fashion. Was this mental abuse? Reports say, Joe Jackson was very controling & strict with his children. Reports say, Michael was the same. Michael claimed Joe beat him. Physical abuse vs mental abuse; both are abuse. Physical abuse scars the body. Mental abuse scars the psyche. These children should be evaluated by CPS. Abuse is a record that plays on. Whether the King Of Pop was indeed a pediphile or not seems to linger. A psychologist would say that all the childhood makings were there and later the Neverland trappings, statues of young boys, association with them and sleeping with them added to the mix. If the boys that dared came forward were telling it as it happened, it is alarming – for Jackson has raised a boy child under very private circumstances. Alarming from the standpoint that the only cured pediphile is a dead one. I am not one to take the matter of sexual abuse of young children lightly nor so easily convinced there was no thread of truth in the accusations at all. Regardless of Jackson’s win in court, law and motion does not always bring justice. OJ’s murder trial is a prime example! If he did it — he knows it! Same for Jackson. Living with guilt can be a killer too!!

4 07 2009

He was never given a chance to be normal…..from a life none of us can even image we expect a “regular” individual. He was an Icon by the time he was a teen and he didn’t even have a stable family life to at least be a guiding force. Every rule that applies to someones development he didn’t get to live by and yet now people judge. He has done more amazing things for society than ANYONE living in our life time. Yet people have the nerve to judge him on something that he was not proven guilty for. SHAME on them for being so ignorant to at least try and understand! I do believe that is how all evil starts with simple misunderstand and close minded people. I would not dare make such a statement if there was sold proof that he did all those things he was accused of. May he rest in peace and thank God we had someone in our life time that had such a big heart and soul and was not afraid to be who he was. A humanitarian and one of the most talented individuals to ever live!

6 07 2009

jackson shud come back

30 07 2009
This Kidd

Mike’s mother did try to stop the abuse. she did the best she could. Katherine could not fight joe jackson physically, but she begged him to stop her hurting her children. Joe Jackson simply refused to listen. Katherine is a very brave woman. an so is Mike. R.I.P. Mike

2 08 2009
monique hughes

+Jackson clan must know Michale is not the biological father and that makes Catherine & Joe not the true biological grandparents. If as reported, Jackson signed on the birth certificates of the two first born to Debbie Rowe — there is foul play afoot and one could surmise it’s perilessly close to fraud. When money surrounds a death, vulchers hover. Jackson story is going to have many acts to come! Would hope a neutral party, preferably a guardian-ad-litum, would be appointed by court to look out for the best interest of the children. Ask many questions of those children who were raised in almost a sterile, cult-like & isolated fashion. Was this mental abuse? Reports say, Joe Jackson was very controling & strict with his children. Reports say, Michael was the same. Michael claimed Joe beat him. Physical abuse vs mental abuse; both are abuse. Physical abuse scars the body. Mental abuse scars the psyche. These children should be evaluated by CPS. Abuse is a record that plays on. Whether the King Of Pop was indeed a pediphile or not seems to linger. A psychologist would say that all the childhood makings were there and later the Neverland trappings, statues of young boys, association with them and sleeping with them added to the mix. If the boys that dared came forward were telling it as it happened, it is alarming – for Jackson has raised a boy child under very private circumstances. Alarming from the standpoint that the only cured pediphile is a dead one. I am not one to take the matter of sexual abuse of young children lightly nor so easily convinced there was no thread of truth in the accusations at all. Regardless of Jackson’s win in court, law and motion does not always bring justice. OJ’s murder trial is a prime example! If he did it — he knows it! Same for Jackson. Living with guilt can be a killer too!! i love you michael jackson 4 ever and ever and ever.

2 08 2009
monique hughes

michael jackson mom did try to stop him but
Katherine could not fight joe jackson physically
but she begged him to stop her hurting her children.
Katherine is a very brave woman.

11 08 2009

Hi Diane,

I was beaten for under similar circumstances by my father from the time I was 5 to 11 years old. He would hit me with a huge belt if my homework wasn’t done properly or I got a poor grade. I struggled with arithmetic and he would explain the calculations a couple of times, then proceed to yelling, then taking off his belt. I would get so scared that I would just keep guessing until he got tired of hitting me and telling me how dumb and mediocre I was. He even suspended me in the air by my wrist with one hand as he struck me with his belt in the other. I am 31 years old now and even though I have been in therapy several times, I am still an anxious perfectionist and when think about those incidents, it feels like it happened yesterday. So I understand how Michael ended up as he did, and I regret that I never wrote him to let him know that. I figured that the chances would reach him were slim to none.

In regards to the molestation charges. I was molested by a relative when I was 11 years old (tough live huh?) and for that reason I am 100% certain that Michael never touched those boys. I can tell by reading their testimonies. Pedophiles ALWAYS secure the scene, that’s the first thing that they do, and it’s never a suspicious location – that’s why they never get caught in the act. By telling the whole world that boys slept in his bed, it’s clear to me that nothing happened. It would be like a rapist telling the whole world that he slips roofies into women’s drinks. Secondly, the first accuser’s brother claimed that Michael performed sexual acts on his brother in the lower bunk, as he lay on the top bunk – that would NEVER happen.

Sexual molestation is a very traumatic experience, the details and circumstances are seared into your brain. Twenty years later, I remember everything: the number of incidences, the time of day, what I was wearing, where he abused me, where he touched me, how he smelled. Those boys could not keep their stories straight: they couldn’t even keep track of the number and locations of events, and would either downgrade or upgrade their accusations from one deposition to the next – that’s how I know that it was all a lie.

I think that Michael simply tried to give those boys the attention and acceptance that he never received from his father. Unfortunately, he was worth 500 million to 1 billion dollars and those kids had amoral parents. He was behind his times, remember that he stopped living in the real world in 1969 when Motown signed the Jacksons and the family moved to LA. He actually lived with Diana Ross without his parents for a few months – how unorthodox is that? You don’t learn Middle-America social norms in the Sodom and Gomorrah that is Hollywood. His parents taught him NOTHING other than to perform. I don’t think that Michael watched Law and Order: SVU or Investigative Reports on A&E, he didn’t understand how he would be perceived and he was just as stubborn as he was clueless.

I just hope that he found happiness in the end by being a father to HIS children and working towards his come-back. He looked very happy in recent pictures, like he had something to look forward to. Thank God he didn’t die during or soon after his trial. I pray that his reputation will be restored in time.

16 08 2009
sheila harper

I think that Michael was probably sexually abused as a child too. He has said how he shared bedrooms on the road with his brothers, could it have been one of them? Someone taught him this behavior I would think, and this may have started when he was a youngster too, and this would explain his lack of interest in girls regarding sexual desire as most boys demonstrate an interest in; which Michael never did. He may have learned sexual satisfaction in a different way that he became accostumed too and carried with him all of his life as a result of childhood sexual abuse.
After reading the transcripts on the web site; The Smoking Gun, it is hard to think that the testimonies of the boys could have all been made up with such detail as they provided. I have to agree that he was guilty as his lifestyle would even back up his behavior towards women in general and his secrecy about details of his private life. Where there is smoke, there is fire!

16 08 2009
sheila harper

One more comment that I forgot to add: what about the Omer kid that lived with him at different times? Could he have had this kid as a lover too? I don’t know why the family has not done a DNA test on him and also on the 3 Jackson children, at least to know if he was their biological father or not.
There is probably so much more to this tragic story that we would be shocked to find all of it out. I wouldn’t doubt if just the surface has been scratched.

22 09 2009

I have never been much of a Jackson fan, but since his death I took a different look on his work and I can say that I got trapped into his music and dance. The guy was a big talent. However I decided to take a look into his life, too and I am reading a lot about the trial and molestation charges. I have read the transcripts on the smoking gun website, but I don’t find them too informative, since no cross examination is presented on that site. I have managed to find the full transcripts elsewhere. We may never know what really happened with those boys. But one thing is for sure – the whole thing is suspicious on both sides. First of all this second case that went to court is a »copy-paste« example of the first one. In both cases brothers saw the supposed molestation acts. I think that nobody who is doing that would risk having a witness. And saying on a TV documentary that sleeping with kids is ok? Yes, in Michael’s world that was OK. But what pedophile would say that loud? Except the psychopaths who don’t know what is real and what not, I just do not see Jackson as a cold blooded psychopath.
And let’s not forget that the second kid says he was molested after the documentary. So before the documentary he slept in the same room with Jackson and didn’t feel threatened? I don’t buy his story. He kept changing his statements, from saying he himself wanted to sleep in Jackson’s room to Michael asking him to ask his parents to allow him stay in the room; from being molested 7 times to 5 and finally only 2 times…
And there are only two publicly known victims and another charge that came from his maid who kept changing the story of seeing Michael inappropriately touch her son as money offers from TV stations came.
Where are the others? Are all the kids quiet because of the money? What kind of parents would tolerate that? What kind of parents let the boys sleep with a guy who was accused of molestation, if they really suspected he did it? Were they all so insane and prostituting their sons? To me that is even worse than Michael’s way of seeing relationships with kids… And besides there weren’t just boys in his bed, his hairdresser has stated her daughter slept with him. And quite a big number of those young friends stayed friends with Jackson for a long time.
And if anybody knew anything they should have talked, not to the media, but to the police. Why didn’t they?
I am not saying we will know the truth, I am saying we should all take it with a grain of salt. Michael had a different understanding of the world, as a result of the trauma in his youth, he lived on a magic ranch, and he played with toys even when kids were not around… And he had no understanding by the media. He had one tragic life that ended in a tragic way. I hope his kids will be fine and won’t be dragged into the same world as him and won’t be ripped by the media. As far as someone mentioned DNA tests, how can we know if they made them or not, besides it is none of our business.

6 11 2009

Well, to me the truth is clear: MJ was very far from being a child molester. Everything I know about human nature and everything I’ve seen directly from Michael (what I read doesn’t count because there are a lot of lies out there) made me conclude that MJ was always telling the truth. He really was a naive, caring, sweet childlike person. Not to mention a genius, but everyone already knows about it.
He was naive in the way he easily trusted people, and many times got betrayed for that. But, to me, he was not being naive when he mentioned kids slept in his room (NOT in bed with him), and when he kept saying that there’s nothing wrong with sharing the bed with someone. He also said that was a bad idea if it was a pedophile or a psycho, but that wasn’t him. He was showing integrity. He didn’t deny what he said before just because it shocked people, because he truly believed there was nothing wrong with sharing the bed with his kid friends. Now you think about it: is there anything wrong?
Yes there is… if you have a dirty mind.
I observed Michael Jackson a lot in the videos you can find around the internet and I could feel he didn’t have a dirty mind. Believe me, I KNOW dirty minded people and, like someone else mentioned here before, I was also sexually molested. I know pervert people from the distance. It’s like I can smell them and avoid them.
Michael Jackson was really sweet and childlike, even is sex related things.
Someone else mentioned before that Michael has never shown interest for girls. Well, actually he did. But he doesn’t behave like regular men. He could feel attraction for women, but he was too shy never felt the need for sex. Believe me, people like that exist. Besides, he also had some traumas about sex because of his brothers doing it in front of him when he as a kid. Sex can be really traumatizing for a child.
Though, I must say the theory about himself being sexually molested sounded a bit riddiculous, to me.
There is more I want to say about sex in MJ’s life…
Almost everyone here mentioned he had strange behaviour because of the abuse by his father during his childhood. That is true… but sounds a little too simple since we’re talking about someone so great as Michael Jackson.

First of all we cannot forget that we’re talking about a true GENIUS. What genius in history you know who behaved “normally”? These people are different from the rest of us and, apart from the superior intelligence, they are far more sensitive. It’s like they’re somehow directly connected to the stream of divine inspiration, especially in the art field. MJ was one of them, without a doubt.
A harsh childhood can do terrible things to everyone’s personality… To someone so much sensitive would be most certainly worse. MJ grew a wonderful person, full of integrity and empathy for people, but had a lot of “ghosts” as well. The Peter Pan syndrome, that causes confusion to most people, makes this man a true child at heart.
To me, more oh these “ghosts” show themselves in MJ’s “plastic” face and what he transformed into physically. His father always teased him about he being ugly and such, and about the nose too. I believe he never liked himself or the way he looked. He didn’t like to look in the mirror, I heard him say that once. This probabily explain the cirguries, one after another, though he never admitted it. Well, I wouldn’t admit this personal life weakness in public either…
He wanted to look perfect so bad. The vitilligo he claims to have, and I believe he had it, probabily made his disgust for himself even worse. So he wore make-up to hide the spots and became whiter and whiter as the vitilligo spread. For the people who claim MJ was a racist, think again… and watch him closely how he deals with people and friends.

Now tell me: if you had such disgust for your body and your face and wore lots of make-up to hide the imperfections and never want to look at them, would you be at ease to have sex with a partner you found attractive?
I don’t think so. I would even loose my apetite for sex.

How about if you were such a sensitive child who grew traumtized with sex and was so shy as an adult?

Or if you were accused of being a pedophile when all you did was love children and help them have a better life or providing them joyfull moments?

Or if you were addicted to painkillers and couldn’t sleep properly?

If your mind was constantly full of concerns about the planet, how the human race is destroying it and how much pain that caused you?

Or if your mind was constantly in creative mode, thinking about new songs, new ways of entertaining, new dance steps?

If you felt lonely constantly, trapped in what you became (a star, a public figure, a different person in heart and soul)?

I don’t believe his children are his, biologically, but I know he was a dedicated and loving daddy. And the reason why he never wanted to have HIS children, can be explained… he didn’t want to have sex, and he was afraid his children came out looking ugly like him. I saw enough to believe he was this disgusted with the way he looked.

I hope that, in time, the truth about this wonderful person is revealed and little by little the people will start to understand him better.
He once said this: “The truth will always prevail” or something like that. I believe this too… or maybe I’m baive. 🙂

May he be in peace and look after his children from above.
We down here will always listen to his music, watch him dance and feel inspirated by his light. And pass his legacy to our children.

25 11 2009
Elizabeth- cawobeth

You are off-beat here. One thing does not necessarily have to do with the other !!!
For one thing, Michael worked to forgive his father & grew to come to terms with his childhood AND relations with his father. You need to read Michael’s Oxford University Speech of 2001.

Another thing, you are a little behind the times. The FACT is Michael never abused, harmed, mistreated a child in his life. You need to brush-up on a few histirical facts as in “Michael Jackson Conspiracy” by Aphrodite Jones
“Michael Jackson; The Book the Media Doesn’t Want you to Read” by Shawn Henning AND see videos “The Untold Story of Neverland” by Larry Nimmer &
“The Truth an Triumph of Michael Jackson” with Pearl Jr.

I am SO SICK & TIRED of people who write articles based on their opinions ward of factual information !!!

How the ____ do you think it’s possible that Michael was able to express so much love ? And guess what ? His love grows & grows as there are more & more believers in him. So, why not welcome his spirit of love instead of judging him . . .

25 11 2009
Elizabeth- cawobeth

and how come many articles don’t even have the date posted of when they written ?

9 12 2009
chris buckby

I have been reading so much about Michael and have found him a loving and caring man who was traumatised and lonely, yet gave so much love and caring even though his childhood was taken away from him.
I am also a survivor and you can feel if a person is a paedohpile, Michael overcame his tragic own abuse like many other survivors and like others tried to give to children and the world the love and caring he did not receive.
I hope Michael you are at peace now and apologise for the way so many people hurt you and I did not see it until to late. I would have supported you in writing.

One of the reasons for the locks on his bedroom doors could be to keep Michael
feeling safe, not to stop the evil within but stop the evil from without getting into hurt him. Many survivors feel the need to keep themselves safe. Locks on doors would give control and safety to a heart that may well have been so very afraid.

Each of us will have our own thoughts on Michael, to me he had a beautiful
heart and wish he was still here amongst us.

23 12 2009

rip Michael Jackson. A innocent, gentle, caring man that would never hurt a soul.

24 12 2009

I am so sick of the same old, same old type comments by many who have not heard Mcihael speak of forgiving his father and grateful for the life he’s had. He acknowledged that his life success was greatly due to his upbringing. Janet describes it as “old school.”

Though we are each & all a product of our past experiences to a degree; some more than others; some hang on to the lod, some move on. Michael obviously moved-on.
I believe Michael reached a place of acceptance & forgiveness in his life, healed from his childhood, much due to Neverland and giving to other children in his life.

24 12 2009

As far as anyone eluding to Michael may have engaged in inappropriate conduct with children due to his childhood… IF YOU KNEW his bio & time-line of events, listened to his songs (not just hear, really listen), look in his eyes (beyond the eyeliner), listened to his speeches & seen videos of him with children, YOU WOULDN’T need to speculate & analyze.
Why is OK for other parents to have kids in their bed ? huh ? Slumber parties etc..
Walking to my car one day, early July, I overheard one lady ask another “where will all the kids sleep”. She responded “we’ll all stay in the same room.” Not weird to me. Ya know Michael and all his brothers grew-up in a 2 bedroom house. Many people all over the world live in small quarters. Michael was just being honest when he said “it’s the most loving thing you can do” (or something to that affect). What he said was twisted, distorted and manipulated to support lies.
It’s so simple. It cracks me up to feel the need to say SLEEPING & SEX ARE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS. The kids wanted to be near Michael. He comforts children. They trust him. By the way, we are sensory beings. TOUCH DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN SEX EITHER.

24 12 2009

“50-year-old man regressing to being 10 years old.” What ? You don’t even make sense.
“tragic figure ?” First of all, Michael- human being; unique, compassionate & loving human being. Others created a figure with judgement of his image. Part of his life has been tragic; police brutality, hate and horrendous disrespect shown him. So much so that he felt the need to leave his country of origin. Yet, he became stronger. So, strong he faced the raucous music here, again.

The only tragic “figures” I see are the millions upon millions of dollars that media made over lies with their perverse sensationalism.

28 12 2009

You say you researched Michael Jackson..if you did you didn’t do enough. I too have been molested, as well as my sister, as well as my daughter..Michael Jackson is the furthest thing of being a phedophile and child molester. Remember there is a slight difference..a phedophile is someone who is SEXUALLY attracted to children and a child molester is a phedophile who acts on it..And guess what..all the child molesters that I personally know and all the other vicitiams of them say that I have spoke to or read about say the same thing: They are very secretive; MJ Not at all-everyone had the code to his room, his whole house was an open door policy. And Neverland was raided by 70 police and law enforcements..nothing, FBI followed MJ for 10 years..followed every lead..Nothing! You say that because he was not the normal typical sexually active man–like that has anything to do with?? The men that abused me and my family–as well as the ones who abused the past victiams–guess what ? Were sex addicts AND 8 out of 10 were marred or had a girlfriend-and were sexually active with them too..And as far as being physically, emotionally, and mentally abused as a child and that may have matifisied into being an abuser himself.–true for some people, for MJ-no I don’t think so. Abused people do not automaticly became abusers..in fact-alot of them including myself, the thousands of others, along with MJ–do the totally opposite because of it..We do the our best to be loving and caring people. and I believe, along with experts in this field, there is genetic element to becoming an a phedophile/ child molester.. What has been true in all cases of abuse-there are other very common mental and behavior symptoms; anxiety, PTSD, and OCD.. Please stop wtih your bull…t! Michael Jackson was found innocent many times over..and even after his death..He was a wonderful caring man, who happened to be one of the greatest creative geniuses of our time..yes, he had problems, but so do all of us..His life was not some tragic story..yes he had isssues, yet he kept his courage and love for GOD throughout his 50 years..The only tragedy in MJ’s life is what was put on him; by backstabbers, the media, the personal vendetta of the prosecution, and the people who say they were friends who did not stand up for him in his time of need..RIP king of Pop, King of Hearts

28 12 2009

That 1rst boy was given drugs by his sick father to lie for $$$. He tried to extort $ for Michael at least twice and threatened to do what he di if Michael said no.
Yes, he was found innocent. That boy furthmore refused to testify. PROVEN FACTS.
BY the way, Michael DID NOT pay the $20. million and tried to stop the insurance compant=y from paying. FACT ! SEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMnTYmQhKMU to prove it !!!
Not guilty on all 10 counts WITH PROOF. The proof has been recorded. You need to read the court transcripts and 3 books of FACTs before you keep PRE-JUDGING.
It’s gullible & ignorant people like you, that believed our sorry excuse for news media that spread so much hate. It needs to STOP !
Inappropriate with children Ha !
Also read stories from all the grateful children, parents, hospitals, orphanages AND from alllll over the world.
It’s an absolute crime that Michael’s country of origin is the most disrespectful (to say the least) towards Michael.
When I read this false stuff that’s mere judgment & speculation I feel sick to my stomach.
You are behind the times. The FACTS above & beyond court transripts have been out a few years. As for FBI files. Ha ! “no evidence” which is why nothing came of their investigation. The FBI allowed themselves to be manipulated by Tom Sneddon of LAPD who looked & looked & didn’t find anything but accusations and LIES.
Don’t you have anything better to do than fuel hate ?

28 12 2009

my post was in response to DIANE and who ever else can’t VERIFY their judgment with the FACTS.

29 12 2009

DIANE…I admit it. I allowed myself to express my anger. Reason being that I received notification of your post right after Lisa’s post & thought you were responding to her. What she wrote expressed honesty & strength in character. So, I felt hurt on her behalf.
My usual way is to stand up fpr Michael with unconditional love for everyone. THE MEDIALOIDS ARE REALLY THE ONES TO BLAME for all of this. I resumed standing up for MJ late June because SPIRIT MATTERS. Michael J.Jackson has given sooooo much, I strongly feel that it’s about time respect for him and his legacy is TRULY honored.
I did read your post carefully; you call it balanced, I find it vague. Too many people out here have not taken the time to read the FACTS regarding these allegations. It’s high time more people take action for him instead of just discussing these same old lies. I am working hard among others to clear MJ’s name. What we need now is people who believe in Michael with conviction. Maybe you will join us.
Isn’t this the least we can do ingratitude for all he’s given ?

29 12 2009

DIANE, I want you to know that I’m glad that you responded to me because I awoke this morning uneasy; 1rst thought on mind mind; disgruntled w/my post.
I just cannot seem to help but get angry at this, at times, because doubt of MJ and MJ bashing HAS TO STOP !
Maybe you could treat yourself by spending some time reading about all the children, Vets and countless people he helped. Thousands of individuals he’s given his time to and God knows how many have benefitted from his charitable contributions. It just boggles my mind that it only took a few individuals to lie and cause such an atrocity.

30 12 2009

As far as locks & alarms, Neverland had an open-house policy AND parents/guardians always invited.
Think you read the wrong books.
Try “Michael Jackson Conspiracy”, “Redemtion” and “Michael jackson: What the Media Doesn’t Want You to Know”
These are the factual book backed-up with more facts.
And if you don’t care to read more see videos “The Untold Story of Neverland”, “Trith and Triumph of The King of Pop” and all the videos that M Bashir omitted from his underhanded editing of tapes.
A few people lied, extorted (from an insurance co.) & attempted to extort, out of thousands of children that Michael came in direct contact with. Those few people; adults were OBVIOUSLY after $, not caring how they hurt their kids in the process. GO FIGURE. How much more do people need to know for God’s sake ?

31 12 2009

I saw it myself. So what. Do you have locks and/or alarms.
Did you see the ghost too ?

31 12 2009

Diane, wow, you are totally missing the point Cawobeth is trying to make. Maybe you are being deliberately obtuse, or maybe you are on the defensive, but you clearly lack any factual knowledge of what really went on in Michael Jackson’s life let alone the trials. If you want to present a balanced piece, then you need to do more research and present facts and not just speculation. This is what she is saying! This has happened his whole life, why do you want to be like the tabloid media who “report” very little truth, but that the American public seem to take as gospel? It isn’t right. AND, a balanced piece about Michael Jackson would surely include SOMETHING about his humanitarian nature…how can it not??

By the way, if you are Michael Jackson, one of the most famous people in the world, wouldn’t you have plenty of locks and security around you, even an over abundance? I have done my research and know that he had threats on his life and he was afraid a lot of the time. I also did enough research to know that his bedroom door was always open when there were children there. Try it (research), you might find it enlightening…

31 12 2009

If what you say is so, then why the —- do you even mention Michael inassociation with this subject.
Once you say something, print something for that matter, it’s done. You have no defense to be defensive.
If you love his music then associate him w/music. If you find him to be a kind soul than associate him w/kindness

31 01 2010

Michael was innocent .He delivered a message.Rest In Peace Michael

2 03 2010

I never knew he was abused, that kind of thing can really screw a person up.
I don’t honestly think that he molested those children though. It seems logical that he was just trying to be nice to them, but sleeping in the same bed with them, was WAY over the line. O.o

2 03 2010

Earrings, MJ has always been very specific about NEVER having slept with the children. He allowed the children to sleep in his bed but he slept on the floor.

25 05 2010

Until now, I didn’t know that many others like myself, who’ve been molested can also spot a molester a mile away. I don’t know if it’s body language, a scent our concious mind doesn’t receive yet the primal mind does…anyway it is true, we unfortunate ones can tell. And no way in this world was MJ a child molester. And NO not all those who have been molested or abused grow up to do the same. Michael even said it himself in an interview…something to the effect of “the abused abuse is not always true, I never lay a hand on my children.”

And sharing a bed…hello! Have you ever BEEN to Michael’s childhood house? I have. It was no bigger than a shoebox. The boys all had to sleep together in triple bunk beds. Joe, like my father, reigned with absolute terror. I can myself, having been abused, see how it would have been a loving and comforting thing to have a brother right next to him every night who cared and cried with and probably held each other out of sheer terror and survival. I don’t get why people don’t either know or remember this.

Abuse of any kind can scar you for life, even if it is once or an entire childhood. Some handle it and are able to go on with life (or at least fake it), but some of us are for some reason, by nature, more sensitive. I am so tired of articles, self-help books, etc. saying “just get over it!” Well, when you continue to have nightmares about your father coming to murder you, it’s kind of hard to forget. My intense night terrors went on for 18 more years after my father died. It’s pretty hard to control what you dream, and if you are constantly reminded of it by nightmares, it is almost impossible to “get over it”. Remember, MJ had the same problem with nightmares of being murdered (by whom I do not know, but I wouldn’t doubt sometimes if the villain in his nightmares had been Joe).

It hurts when I hear (read) people saying MJ just keeps whining about his lost childhood and his abusive father. I was about 3 when my father ripped off my clothes, threw me on the bed and viciously whipped my body with a belt. That is my first memory of my father. What could a 3 year old do that could even make one think of doing such a thing? I found out recently the first time Joe really beat MJ up for the first time, he was about the same age as when it happened to me. After reading this I cried for hours for both of our souls.

I guess I’m a Hoosier a bit hot under the collar, but I am very proud to live in the state MJ was born in. So, has everyone forgotten about how much time, love and caring Michael gave to RYAN WHITE???? Why, for heavens sake, why, since MJ’s death has no one (except Jeannie White) said ONE word about Ryan White? Yes, Elton John was part of the family too. He is openly gay, but no one cares, I don’t, he’s a human and I love him equally as a human. So why has MJ been held up to be someone who cannot even think one human thought without it being put under a microscope? (If you’ve ever read “think good thoughts” in a self help book or whatever, think about how much good MJ did for Ryan through his struggles, pain and also being an outcast by one of our own cities in Indiana).

Some people are complaining that fans and others are treating MJ’s death as if he were Jesus. Well, he’s been judged and crucified as if he had been held up to be a sinlesss human like Christ. Why was that expected of him? MJ said many times, that in no way he thought he was Jesus, but tried to follow his teachings. And the ones complaining are probably those who EXPECTED MJ to be a type of Christ without sin. MJ was human, and knew it, but as he said many times, he tried to be “Christ-like”. Suffer the little children and let them come unto me.

Sorry if I am ranting and seem to skip around, I guess I am a Hoosier a little hot under the collar about one of our own. As a child he was treated like a circus animal, being cracked by the whip, literally, to perform. As a child he lived in a cage, then became self-contained because he had no idea how to function in the “real world” around him. Believe me, abuse can totally mess up your sense of reality. I never thought MJ was paranoid, I just understood that not knowing how to act, think or say in social situations can turn you into a recluse because it becomes so frustrating to figure out how to interact.

Unfortunately, to my knowledge, MJ never received the kind of mental help he very deeply needed. But help is no guarantee either. I have been in and out of therapy for 25 years and I still fight depression constantly. It can be all-consuming. About 5 months before MJ died, I admitted to my husband that I loved the feeling of being put under anesthesia for surgery. Knowing you are going to have no dreams, no thoughts or pain, at least for a little while feels like heaven as you “go under”. I said half-jokingly (for my husband’s benefit) that if a person could get addicted to anesthesia, I’d be the first in line. I had no clue this could actually happen. I have felt terrible for saying such a thing, no matter that it was in private, since MJ passed.

For some of us, MJ was an icon, a singer, dancer, entertainer, and that’s great. But for some of us he was a survivor to look up to, to hold on to. I read in a blog about 7 months ago that the people blogging about MJ should get a life. I responded that there are some who do not have a “life”. That was true for me in my late teens, I was very ill and undergoing excrutiating treatments for a little understood disease. Between that and the daily screaming and violence in my family and the prospect of the next treatment, I simply wanted to die. But when I heard there was going to be an MJ video on regular tv the next Saturday night, I held onto that for a reason…to live. That’s why MJ matters…rest in peace dear MJ.

25 05 2010
elizabeth- cawobeth

Actually, Michael received a lot of help.
He healed to a great extent. Much more than too many people realize.
Don’t just hear his compositions; really listen.
Michael has been soooo awfuly misunderstood, it’s terrible.
But guess what, he overcame that by continuing to love despite all the pain he endured.
What I believe he needs is the true respect he lacked; to be seen as the honest & compassionate human that he is.

27 05 2010

Amen to that, Elizabeth. I hope soon the rest of the world can understand the man that he is…and give him the respect he so deserves. And Summer, thank you for standing up for MJ…all the good words for him in the world, that is what we need.

27 05 2010
elizabeth- cawobeth

and Earrings, how come slumber parties are acceptable, but not for Michael ?
A few days after he “passed, I was walking to my car, as 2 other ladies were walking. One asked the other. “where will everybody SLEEP ? ” where will the kids stay ?”
Her friend said, “oh, it’ll be fine. We can all stay in the same room.”
Michael was picked on, haunted, taunted & sensationalized. Not to mention brutally
attacked be extortion, lies & the unconscionable greed of media.
If ppl here can not give Michael Jackson respect, go behind media, read the facts and look into Michael’s eyes & see how he’s loved all children, then go write about someone you know something about.
And you’re absolutely right, Summer. Michael is not Jesus, nor a saint or angel. Human. He asked to be seen & treated as a human being like anyone else. The crime is, he should have never had to ask.

27 05 2010

Cawobeth, I hope you are right that he did in fact receive help. It just seemed to me, everyone gave up on him-even Deepak Chopra. However, I was not in their shoes, so I can’t know what it is like to try to get a pain control dependent person to change. I was extremely impressed when I read that MJ told Schmuley Boteach, his once-spiritual guide, that he needs to look his children in the eye when he tells them he loves them or they will never know it for certain. I believe Michael was more wise in many ways than most would believe. In his Oxford speech, I admire the content and how strong he was getting through it, despite a few tears, bless his heart. I hope to be what he encouraged all of us to be that speech.

I do listen very carefully to the words of his music, not just be-bop along. Even the songs he did not write, he put so much passion into them, it was like he made those songs his own. Who else could have put so much emotion and passion into “Gone too Soon” or “Man in the Mirror”? Was there something specific in a particular song you wanted to stess or just listen to his words more closely in general? I have listened and it is so hard to believe someone like MJ who was battered in many ways, still had so, so much love in his heart.

MJ has and always will have a very special place in my heart, as I said, looking up to him as a role model as a survivor. (And again, I must mention, he was a Hoosier too, like me!) His kindness, sweetness, vulnerability and deep concern and care and love for children and the well-being of the earth are only a few of the precious things about him that I will always hold dear forever in my heart. I can’t help but think about how sad MJ would be feeling if he were alive today and how heavy his his heart would be regarding the oil spill. He emphasized so much in “This is It” that we all have to pitch in and do the work before we’ve irreversably ruined our home, our planet.

Before the 2003 charges hit, MJ and Donny Osmond had talked about doing a duet together or Stevie Wonder’s song, “Wish”. I think it would have been amazing too if they had made a duet out of Donny’s song from the 80’s, “Soldier of Love”. And as much as I have adored the BeeGees (RIP Maurice), I still believe Michael should have been inducted into the songwriters hall of fame instead (or as well as). MJ’s personally penned songs went much deeper than theirs by far. Sorry, I digressed.

In closing for today, I want to say “thank you” to Alicia for supporting my standing up for our beloved MJ. If any of you have never heard him recite a poem, called “Planet Earth” that he wrote, it is a beautiful love poem to our mother earth. You can get it off Napster or the “This is It” CD. I also recently found out about a book of poems and essays he wrote titled, “Dancing the Dream”. Unfortunately it is out of print, but there is someone who put all of it online. Still I’d like to see a publisher to put it out again. The poems are all beautiful, but the one about “how could you grow wings without me” brought tears to my eyes. He was obviously the very spiritual person as be claimed to be.

Would love to hear your comments again. Thanks to everyone on this board who have shared love and kind words about MJ.

Love and Peace to all

27 05 2010

Oh, and I have to say one more thing. I don’t understand why most people (or seemingly so) did not understand the 2nd half of the “Black or White” video. It wasn’t so much about violence, I thought of it as the righteous anger toward racial intolerance. My husband and I were discussing that video the other night and he said a lot of “white folks” he knew (we are white, for the most part) took the video personally as a direct message showing hatred toward whites. That had never even occurred to me.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

28 05 2010
elizabeth- cawobeth

Summer people perceive things way off a lot of times.
How about a recent article that reviews “They Don’t Care About Us” as anti-semi tic ?
Good grief !

You can get “Dancing the Dream” here.
This company is reliable. I would suggest charging direct rather than using paypal. The have a glitch in their system with paypal(unless they fixed it (?)
Just copy/paste this address to your address bar.


Alicia & I work to clear MJ’s name. If you would like more info. about this, please let me know. And please visit http://mjtruthnow.com/ !!!
This is not a tribute site per say. It’s solely dedicated to vindicating MJ.
This site ONLY has factual refs., info. & more AND work in progress !
The next newsletter is in the making; we don’t send out any other e-mails to ppl.
ALSO, scroll down to bottom of the page to MJ in his tabloid trash jacket & click “Signing the petition” as we work to stand up against Martin Bashir as this manipulative excuse for a man horribly deceived Michael & is greatly responsible for the fact that apporox. 55% of Americans still doubt MJ’s innocence.
love, love…with Michael’s light of love…

28 05 2010
elizabeth- cawobeth

I just tried the book link I posted & it sends you direct.
Here you can also find the other book in his works; Moonwalk.

Also see – – –

full test of this beautiful speech is also available.

28 05 2010

Thank you Beth, well said! Let’s get that percentage down to 0%!

28 05 2010
elizabeth- cawobeth

amen Alicia.
I hope the lady that originally posted here has learned something.
Those of us who have spend many hours researching the truth of MJ’s bio
really; genuinely care to share his love with others.
Simple as that.

28 05 2010

Summer, it never occurred to me at all that the B and W video/song was anything about racism or hatred toward anything.

5 12 2012
The Sad Legacy That Michael Jackson Lived « michaeljosephjackson58

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